Ship safety documents

A ship may be admitted to the navigation when it receives one of the following documents of ship safety:

a community certificate of the navigation capability <<<< see more >>>>

a temporary community certificate of the navigation capability <<<< see more >>>>

a certificate of the navigation capability <<<< see more >>>>

which state that the ship fulfils the safety conditions as regards to:

  • the construction, its permanent fixings and equipment
  • the manoeuvre qualities
  • water or air protection and the protection from noise
  • sanitary conditions and health and safety.

In the safety document of a ship the crew team is specified which is to provide a safe navigation.

The safety document of a ship is issued and prolonged by the director of the Office of the Inland navigation on the initiative of the ship operator.

Acceptation of the safety documents

The following documents are found to be accepted:

  • a community certificate of the navigation capability issued by the competent body of a member-ship country different than the Republic of Poland
  • other document which admits the ship to navigation issued by the competent body of a membership country different than the Republic of Poland – the docu-ment has to be in accordance with the regulations which apply in the membership countries and to refer to a mutual acceptance of the certificates of the shipping capability in the inland navigation; the competent body of a third country in accordance with the regulations which apply in the mem-bership countries and which refer to a mutual acceptance of the certificates of the shipping capabil-ity in the inland navigation; a certificate issued in accordance with Article 22 of the Convention dated 17 October 1868 for navigation on the Rhine as amended by the revised Convention dated 20 November 1963 for navigation on the Rhine, hereinafter referred to as ”Convention for Naviga-tion on the Rhine”.
  • Dokument utworzony
  • Autor dokumentu Igor Szyjan
  • Ostatnia modyfikacja
  • Autor modyfikacji Igor Szyjan
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