Rights of passengers travelling by inland waterway

Director of the Office of Inland Navigation in Szczecin is the competent body to handle complaints regarding violations of the rights of passengers traveling by means of inland waterways on the basis of the following acts:

  1. The European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) No 1177/2010 of 24 November 2010 on the rights of passengers traveling by sea and by inland waterways and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 (Official Journal of EU L 334, 17.12 .2010, p. 1, as amended).
  2. Act of 21 June 2013 amending certain laws on the rights of passengers traveling by sea and by inland waterway (Dz. U. of 2013, item 1014)
  3. Regulation of the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy of 10 September 2013 on determining director of maritime office responsible for dealing with complaints regarding violations of the rights of passengers traveling by sea.
  4. Rights of ships’ passengers.
  5. Summary of legislation

REPORT on the implementation of tasks under the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No 1177/2010 of 24 November 2010. (pdf)

In the period from 10 September 2013 to 31 May 2015 the Director of the Office of Inland Navigation in Szczecin received no complaints regarding violations of the rights of passengers traveling by inland waterways.


Inland Navigation Office in Szczecin

Pl. Batorego 4
70-207 Szczecin

Inland Navigation Office is located in the building of the Maritime Office in Szczecin (Red Town Hall, by the park). The ground floor of the building.

The Secretariat, room 29
Issuance of patents, room 25
Supervising Inspectors, room 24
Technical Inspection Committee rooms 27 and 28

Opening hours for visitors: From Monday to Friday, opening hours: from 8.15 am to 4.15 pm.


(+48) 91 43 40 279


(+48) 91 43 40 129



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  • Autor dokumentu Igor Szyjan
  • Ostatnia modyfikacja
  • Autor modyfikacji Igor Szyjan
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