Messages for NTS Captains

The service of messages for ship captains (NtS) is one of the key components of the RIS – River Information System. An NtS message is standardised, coded and downloadable and contains (at least) information necessary for safe navigation.

There are four types of NtS messages:

  • Fairway and traffic related message (FTM),
  • Water level related messages (WRM),
  • Weather related messages (WERM),
  • Ice messages (ICEM).

Each message begins with the same basic information, which helps to determine the type and the content of the message. For example, the first part of the message contains the information of the type of the message and its validity period. The remaining part of the message contains individual information, depending on the message type.

The main aim of the NtS app, besides providing information, is delivering it in a way that is under-standable regardless of the language. Only a minimum amount of data is entered as random text in a local language.

Using the NtS system enables users to have access to all the published messages by using an Inter-net service. The app enables users to search for a message according to its reference area, validity period or its type. Users may also choose the language in which they want the message to be dis-played and on the same website they may sign up for a newsletter, to make sure that the messages will be delivered to the given e-mail address.

CAUTION! In order to get the results for all the rivers that are connected to the RIS, the field “River” should be left out empty.

To read the announcements, click on the image below.



The Inland Navigation Office in Szczecin is not responsible for any effects of decisions based on NtS messages.

In spite of exercising due diligence, data in the announcements may not correspond with the current state and regulations and may be therefore inaccurate, as it is a pilot stage of the project.

  • Dokument utworzony
  • Autor dokumentu Igor Szyjan
  • Ostatnia modyfikacja
  • Autor modyfikacji Igor Szyjan
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